Metric Bee
We're here to give you all the financial tools you need to startup and scale your business. With a wealth of experience consulting and training on finances in SMEs and big corporates, and a passion for boosting business, Metric Bee has a service to suit every stage of growth.
training & development

Practical, and easy-to-follow online learning programme designed for founders by industry experts. Tailored to your business’ growth stage, this is the how-to (and why) guide to everything you need to startup and scale.

Let us set up your accelerator or incubator for success. Strategic development and design, set up, planning, and implementation - we create custom programmes, and audit and redesign existing ones, remote or in-person.

We run remote and in-person workshops to get your team on track. Tailored to your business needs and growth stage, and designed with your team in mind, our workshops comprehensively cover financial and performance processes and metrics.
consultation & hands-on help

Hands-on help getting your books balanced, and keeping them that way. Based on your needs, we design and deliver an easy-to-follow custom system you can use forever, and we train your team on your new workable, simple finance processes.

Fast-track support and check-ins, covering business strategy and planning, projections, pricing, and performance. We help with valuations, unit economics, financial statements; whatever your business needs to succeed.

Our founder Maya Beyhum can help you set up or streamline financial processes, get audit-ready, and analyse performance. She offers team training on financial controls and bookkeeping, and can act as a liaison with banks and investors.